Sunday, February 10, 2013

Facebook Autolike Working Sites

Tired Of Waiting For The Persons To Like Your Status? Want(Or Pretend) To Be Famous Person In Your Group?

To be true it is everyone's dream to be the most famous person on facebook.

Getting more no. of likes for your status and photos show your popularity. Facebook is the most feminist website where only girls get loads of likes.

You might have thought that there is no way of getting too many likes on facebook and still dreaming about it.

If you are such a person, you have come to the right place.Allow people to subscribe you on facebook.

 To this go to and enable subscribers.

After enabling subscribing option go to and get your access token by clicking on 'click here' on the site's homepage.

After you click on 'click here' you might be asked to allow permissions to a facebook application. After installing copy the url of that page which is your Access Token, it will be like

Copy it and paste on the box provided in Likehoot homepage and click submit.

Next page you get will be having your 5 recent updates with a subscribe button corresponding to each. Click on the submit button of your update for which you need hooping likes.

Most probably after doing this you may be asked to login to your facebook account again. This doesn't happen all the time. Its good if it happens so.


  • Allowing subscribers is important.
  • Wait for each page to load completely.
  • Don't click on submit button more than once.
  • This auto liking trick works just by utilizing the access token others submit on this site.
  • Do the submitting process as fast as you can because the site may provide you auto likes till your access token does not expire (Expiry period ~3mins).
  • Make use of this before  likelo gets into the blacklist of facebook
For more queries  comments below.


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