Using facebook has becoming more important one for every facebook users, Every facebook users getting connected with new facebook friends some are good, some are bad. Today there are many ways to access facebook and can chat with friends 24 x 7 days. Facebook made many changes to comfort the users, and also there are many apps for the users to access facebook in a better and easy way. Facebook moving everything legitimately but many facebook users started to use facebook account in a bad way. Many hackers are hacking facebook account for fun or for their friends and breaking many facebook users privacy. Some other creating a facebook account in a girl name to cheat their friends or some other strangers. This sometimes let to a serious problems like money and also lets to murder. So before accepting anyone’s friend request it is better to check its a real account or fake facebook account. This article explains you How to identify fake facebook account.
Identify Fake Facebook account:
Check Profile Picture:
Its a very easy way to identify fake facebook account if that account profile is with some image other than any actors or stars. Just copy the image url (Right click on that image to get URL), Open Google image search and paste that url. If that image matches to any other facebook account, It will shows link of that profile. You can directly warn that profile. Google image search also shows the images from other websites. So if that profile is with any attractive girl photo check that photo in google.
Check Mutual Friends:
Check for mutual friends before accepting anyone’s friend request and ask your friend about that person. If they said anything wrong or your found anything suspiciously ignore it.
Check Profile Timeline:
A profile timeline simply says about that person. If there are no recent updates from that profile but there are many tags to any other status, surely that’s a fake account. And also check the photos of that profile, If it is a fake account, you can found it easily.
Check Entire Profile:
- Check their birthday, If it is with starting date or ending date of a month, It would be a fake account
- Check number of friends in their friends list
- Check for mobile number. If it is a female account and with contact number, its a fake account
Checking profile picture is the best way to identify fake facebook account. They as a second review check other details. Fake account can be identified easily if you analyze the timeline thoroughly. If you have any more ideas to identify fake facebook account, Give your valuable ideas in comments and make others to benefit.
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