Friday, March 22, 2013

How To Get New Facebook News Feed Right Now

How To Get New Facebook News Feed Right Now

Facebook has recently announced the brand new look for its News Feed, Here is how you can get new Facebook news feed at once. The new Facebook News Feed looks much better than old News Feed. Facebook has brought new Facebook News Feed with many cool features, it is completely different from its old version. Some of the basic thing has been changed in Facebook new News Feed such as photos, videos, font size, stories and more. But it’s hard to discover until you are and active Facebook user. Check out the picture of Facebook new News Feed given below.

According to the demo of new Facebook news Feed, It is really looking cool as shown in the above picture. In the new News Feed, Facebook has concentrated on its sidebar mainly, It is looking now beautiful. You can say the new Facebook news feed has been inspired from the Mobile version of Facebook. As in the Facebook mobile version, you have a cool sidebar containing all posts and option, Now it has came to your computer in the form of new Facebook News Feed. Facebook has really done a great job to remove all buttons and option from the feed and integrated them into left sidebar, as you can see in the above picture.


Step 1. Create Facebook Like/Fan Box

  • Visit this page to create a Facebook Like Button for your blog. <Link>
  • Add Your Facebook page URL into URL box.

Step 2. Configure Facebook Like Button

  • Adjust your Like width width and Height.
  • Set Facebook Like button color and more. Check the picture below.
  • Step 3. You have done! Now wait, you will soon get a notification on your Facebook Profile page when you get new Facebook News Feed.

  • This is how you can get new Facebook News Feed, Many people have already got the new Facebook News Feed for their profile. How about you? Have you Got Facebook new News Feed yet? Share this article with your friends, to help them in getting new Facebook News Feed.

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  1. In step 1, where on that page do I find the spot to create a like button?


  3. You should really upload a video of this if it indeed does work. I am extremely interested in getting this this hack working. I can't tell if your English is off or I am reading this wrong. If you could please elaborate on how you got this to work I would really appreciate it! Thanks

  4. I did not understand. Can you make a video?

  5. i create the like button for my blog. how to post it on my blog


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